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Iveragh Business Meitheal

LIVE Project

The LIVE Project in association with Kerry County Council and An Turas Mór would like to invite you to take part in our Iveragh Business Meitheal.

Wednesday, 19th October 2022
From 4pm - 6.30pm
Sea Lodge Hotel, Waterville, Co. Kerry

The LIVE Project are teaming up with Kerry County Council and An Turas Mór - Homecoming in Kerry to facilitate a business meitheal / meitheal ghnó - a free business networking event which is open to all local businesses, networks, and community groups from across the peninsula.

We welcome all local businesses, networks, and community groups from across the peninsula to join us for this meitheal.

Stop by for a cuppa and find out about business supports, strengthen your networks, and share ideas.

Information for Attendees

There will be information stands, short talks throughout the event, refreshments and lots of opportunities to gather, reflect, and start planning for the future. No need to register, drop in when you can, all are welcome.

Here is a list of MC, exhibitors and information stands, and our current schedule for guest speakers, which maybe be subject to change


Joe McGill - Radio Kerry / McGill's Brewery

Information Stands/Exhibitors:

Guest Speakers:

We are delighted to have a number of guest speakers to give short presentations throughout the Iveragh Business Meitheal.

4.00pm: Lucy Taylor, The LIVE Project – Opening

4.10pm: Joe McGill (MC), Radio Kerry / McGill's Brewery - Introduction and MC

4.15pm: Danielle Favier, Fáilte Ireland - Destination Development and Tourism Business Supports

4.30pm – 5pm: Refreshments / Networking / Information Stands

5.00pm: Caithlín Breathnach - An update on Tascfhórsa Uíbh Ráthaigh

5.08pm: Breandán O’Keefe - Nascadh Uíbh Ráthaigh/Connecting Iveragh through Irish

5.15pm: Leonie Schutlz, UCC/ LIVE Project – Developing sustainable and regenerative Tourism

5.30pm – 6pm: Refreshments / Networking / Information Stands

6.00pm: Pat O'Leary & Katie O'Carroll, Kerry Tourism Industry Federation

6.15pm: Panel Discussion – Looking to the Future

6.30pm: Closing comments


Local Businesses and Community:

We invite you to bring along any marketing materials you may have to share with each other - for networking and potential collaborations.

Contact us

If you would like more information or are interested in getting involved, please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.


You can download a PDF of our poster here and share with anyone you think may be interested. If you would like a physical poster to put up in your premises or community hall, get in touch with us and we can send one to you.

Click on the posters to download and share!

poster for Iveragh Business Meitheal

PDF of Poster for Iveragh Business Meitheal

PDF of Programme for Iveragh Business Meitheal

Meitheal Gnó Uíbh Ráthaigh


word live in stylized font
logo for kerry county council
logo for an turas mór homecoming in kerry
logos for Ireland Wales programme


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